Thursday, January 23, 2014

Cloud Computing

Name of Service

How Much Storage Capacity for   Free

Can you download a   drive to your computer?

How Much is the Upgrade Price to Pro or more storage
Google Drive15 GB Yes Average of $5/100GB
Microsoft Sky Drive 7 GBYes  $25/50 GB 2 GB Yes Pro $10/Month called Hightail) 2 GBYes $15.99/Month 
Ubuntu One 5 GB Yes Pro $4/Month + 20 GB, additional 20GB for $3/Month

I use dropbox, Drive, and Ubuntu One pretty regularly. I use dropbox for all of my school work backup as well as for music sharing. My friends and I all have a shared folder that we put new music we find to give to each other. I use dropbox more than a lot of people because I have a ton of space. I got into the beta pretty early and with time an promotions i have a ton of extra space. This is my main desktop cloud storage. I also use Drive for school work or simple word documents. It's not a very powerful word processor so I only use it for simple reports. I find it's not very helpful when you need to do any kind of formatting. I also hate how the desktop client works, so i very rarely access stuff on my desktop from it or upload. It's for this reason I also don't do shared folders like I do with dropbox. We use drive at my work though. We use it to share all the documentation that all the supervisors should know.
Ubuntu One comes included with Ubuntu based Linux versions. I don't have nearly as much space with this nor is it very powerful. I only use this for OS backups, kind of like Mac's timemachine.

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